Sorry for the long delay in Blog entries! I've been hiding out in Oakridge and Bend, with a short trip to Portland for the Oregon Handmade Bike Show with Wade sometime a while back.
I'm preparing to leave for Santiago, Chile via Portland, Oregon on the 30th of this month.
Since my last entry my friends Natty and Lindsay came home to Bend for Christmas break. Natty from Yonkers, New York where she is attending graduate school at Sarah Lawrence. Lindsay had been working with friends in Seattle and preparing for her mountaineering course in Patagonia. I have become a part of their family, and happily went to Bend to spend Christmas with them and their family.
Lindsay is now in Coyhaique, Chile where she is taking a NOLS mountaineering course. She and I plan to meet on the morning of the 13th, in the "plaza" in Coyhaique. I really excited for the newness and wonder of being in an unfamiliar place and traveling alone, and equally excited to meet up with Lindsay and begin traveling together.
Between now and then I have to go through everything I'm planning to take, and pair it down to the minimum. I have a pile of stuff in the Airstream destined for Chile, my backpack out and ready to get loaded, and a list of things to do before I leave in my journal. Not long ago it felt like this trip was a long ways off, and I had lots of time to prepare, but now it is only a few days away and there is still a lot to do.
The pictures are of me up on Tumalo Mtn at dawn (taken by Lindsay), and Mac last weekend at the Hoodoo Tele Fest, Mac (haulin' ass). Blogger won't let me post any more pic's on this entry, so I'll try again in a minute.
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